Debalto FAO 170

In Your Field…
Debalto will deliver in short growing seasons, with an attractive dry matter yield combined with excellent quality. An excellent option for an early biogas harvest, helping to spread the harvest window.
Push your starch yield, keep your harvest on track
Characteristics / Quality
- Strong yield performance (18.5 t/ha DM) across all sites
- High grain:stover ratio provides an energy dense silage
- Starch content (34.3%)
- Energy content (11.63 MJ/kg DM)
- Ideally suited for moderate to high (50-70%) TMR dairy or beef finishing rations
- Excellent vigour across all soil types (7.2)
- Multi-use variety for forage, CCM and biogas – spreads harvest window
Data source:
NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List. Second Choice varieties for favourable sites (2024).