KWS Exelon FAO 170

In Your Field…
KWS Exelon has the potential to carry 20 grains per ring provides you with superb grain quality, leading to high starch yields. This is combined with excellent DM yield and maturity – a great all rounder.
Drive your silage output!
Characteristics / Quality
- Leading DM Yield – 18.7 t/ha DM
- Excellent starch content (35.2%)
- Fantastic energy values produces superb silage (11.75 MJ/kg DM)
- Highly suited to moderate to high (50-70%) inclusion in dairy and fnishing rations
- Excellent vigour (6.9) on all soils allows your crop to get up and away – fast
- Stand out performance and consistency across all sites
Data source:
NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List. First Choice varieties for favourable sites (2024).